Purpose of Meeting
Exciting fun is planned for adults and families and Gulick & Co., Restoration Contractors are this year’s major sponsor for our FIRST ANNUAL “Putting Around the Library Links”. Our Scranton Library, at 801 Boston Post Road, Madison, will be transformed into a curious and astonishing mini-golf course with each tee remarkably decorated by the tee’s sponsor.
Imagine this… You enter our library from the parking lot into the “Pro Shop” - you will get a putter, ball and score card - elevator up to the second floor – play through the stacks - on down the staircase into the historical 1900 building - the Friends Café - the fiction - finishing in the children’s room.
You’ve earned a treat. Ready for the “Club House”?
Adults Only Friday, November 5 from 6 to 9 pm. (21 or older) is $40 in advance and $45 at the door. The “Club House” awaits with wine, beer, our signature cocktail and hors d’ouvres. Reservations/Tee times are recommended and can be made on line: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/putting-around-the-library-links-adult-night-friday-november-5-2021-tickets-191349530597